Thursday, August 27, 2020

Pennsylvania News November 20th, 1863 Essay Example

Pennsylvania News November twentieth, 1863 Essay Example Pennsylvania News November twentieth, 1863 Essay Pennsylvania News November twentieth, 1863 Essay Recently I saw what I accept to be probably the best talks ever. It was at the bleeding combat zone of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It was at this crossroads where numerous officers lost their lives battling for opportunity, and a brought together country. President Abraham Lincoln gave a discourse in light of the terrible fight that occurred the initial three days in July of this current year. The discourse, albeit short, communicated some awesome focuses. Its pinnacle, which I accept to be proceeding onward and proceeding to battle for what those men passed on for. He tried telling the individuals that those men had not passed on futile yet in honor.The cause they kicked the bucket for was upright and what they had achieved could never be overlooked even long after his discourse was. The manner by which the discourse finished up appeared to nearly be a consolation to the individuals to continue battling for the reason. He finished, and I quote, that we here determination that these de ad will not have passed on futile; that this country, under God, will have another birth of opportunity and that administration of the individuals, by the individuals and for the individuals, will not die from this world. This discourse, alongside urging individuals to continue battling, gave them trust in a superior country and a free nation. Albeit numerous individuals view this discourse as modest for such a genuine event, I think everything that should have been said was said. Any extra elaboration regarding the matter may have delivered the discourse drawn out and askew. In general I accept that this discourse was fitting just as powerful.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Complaint letter

Alleviate she educated me that Ms. Portfolio shouldn't have left any longer have a decided to take the test at an other time, at that point returned to class take the MOA test 2. After I left the room from completing what I could do on the test understudies that were finished with their test had educated me that she had made an approach her PDA to Ms. Alleviate concerning me and permitting to talk unreservedly among the other understudy calling me â€Å"malaria and grosser† and different hostile words towards me, which I thought was amateurish of her to do. Likewise, she was discourteous to talk about me in that manner.I was stunned by how impolite Ms. Portfolio conduct was today. After I was educated about the episode that had quite recently happened I went down to her office to stand up to her about it. She was talking with Ms Allay about me, I didn't hear precisely what was being said however observed a look of help all over that I was there, possibly she had figured we cou ld talk things over. I told Ms. Portfolio that didn't acknowledge how she talked about me so inconsiderately before the class and that I trust next time on the off chance that she had a remark about an understudy it would be in private.She then got steamed and told Ms. Mollify to suspend me, I at that point got furious too and talked a little unequivocally to her expression â€Å"On what ground would you be able to suspend me for on the off chance that I have done anything incorrectly other than disclosing to you that your activities were amateurish, I have never disregarded you in any capacity, have not obnoxiously or truly manhandled you† She at that point hollered out † If she despite everything remains her I can never again be here†. This fight has vexed me and humiliated me, caused me to feel debilitated to proceed with my stay at your program. Ms. Portfolio causes me to feel undesirable in the facility.Ultimately I am composing this letter with the expectati on that my grumbling about Ms. Portfolio will be settled. I welcome the time you have taken to peruse this letter and consider the complaint that I have reached you about. On the off chance that you have any extra inquiries or might want to converse with me about goals choices. Can be reached at my email address Eva. Jove. [emailâ protected] Com or my mobile phone (415)635-9936. Might want to get this settled as fast as could reasonably be expected with the goal that I can better completely concentrate on my examinations and finishing the remainder of my multi month course here at MILS in sound condition.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Help With Homework - Helping Your Child Get Ready For School

Help With Homework - Helping Your Child Get Ready For SchoolThe most common reason kids give for not helping with homework is that they are too busy. It seems like this might be a valid reason at first, but in the end you discover that you children can usually be taught to help with homework even if they don't want to. The problem with this is that you may get frustrated and in all probability let your child know that you are going to be hard on them if they don't do as they are told.To keep kids motivated, it's important to have a quiet place where they can do their homework without being bothered or having any complaints. You can use this quiet place for as long as you need to help with homework.One way to make sure that your child does homework without your noticing it is to set aside a time when you don't expect them to be there. For example, instead of going to bed around midnight you might try going to bed a little earlier. At that time you will be able to sneak out and visit w ith your spouse or you could set aside a time for one of you to just be together.Keep a nice and pleasant room temperature. Most children have trouble sleeping in the winter and if they are getting up in the middle of the night to go to bed, this can make them cranky and annoyed.Make sure that your child has a regular bedtime. It's best if they wake up and go to bed at the same time each day. Make sure they eat a healthy breakfast to help with hunger and also make sure they drink a good amount of water to help with thirst.Don't neglect to feed them as well. Don't skip meals to save time or energy, because in the end they'll become discouraged and start missing meals more often.In order to help with homework effectively, your child will need time to think. This can be a challenge if they are staying up until past your bedtime. So make sure that they have plenty of activity, even outside of the house.The point is to help your child learn to read and write, but you'll need to approach this in a non-aggressive way. Parents who sit back and do nothing but yell at their children are not helping themselves, but they are hurting their children. That doesn't mean you don't have to get mad when they make mistakes, but you should be cool and collected when they make them.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Virginia Department Of Juvenile Justice - 926 Words

Most of us grow up being taught to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Social workers, especially, are exhorted by their code of ethics to challenge injustice â€Å"particularly with and on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed individuals and groups of people† (National Association of Social Workers, 2008). So why are as many of 70% of those in local and state juvenile justice systems dealing with their illness in correctional facilities (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 2016; Shufelt Cocozza, 2006)? These are the national numbers. So what about in our own state of Virginia? The Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) conducted a study of juveniles in detention homes in 2002 and that found that more than 40% of males and almost 60% of females needed mental health services. As many as 7% of the males and 15% of the females needed this assistance urgently (Juvenile Offending, n.d.). Even more disturbing is the fact that nationally up to two out o f three of that 70% was actually a dual diagnosis of more than one mental illness, often including a substance abuse disorder. One in five of those same juveniles were so severely disabled by their illness that they were unable to function as a young person and were seriously in danger of not developing into a functional adult (Hammond, 2007). Juveniles are considered more difficult to treat for mental illness due to developmental issues (Hammond, 2007) and rapidly changing biological and mental makeup.Show MoreRelatedJuvenile Delinquency Is An Increasing Problem Within The United States995 Words   |  4 Pages Juvenile delinquency has become an increasing problem within the United States. According to Siegel and Welsh (2012), more than 1.1 million youth are being arrested each year for various crimes ranging from loitering to murder. There are numerous reasons why there should be programs to help deter delinquency. One of which, Greenwood (2008), states that juvenile delinquency has started to take it’s toll on tax payers. The cost of arresting, incarcerating, prosecuting, and treating offenders has beganRead MoreSentencing For Drug Offenders Should Be Lenient1880 Words   |  8 Pagesis; meaning if the violator is an adult or a juvenile. In Crime state rankings 2010: Crime across America, the percent of the population who are illicit drugs users for Virginia was 8.2%, ranking twenty-fourth on that list and the national percent was 8.1% of the population in 2007 (Morgan, K. O. L., Morgan, S., Santos, R. B. 2010). In Crime state rankings 2011: Crime across America, the percent of the population who are illicit drug users for Virginia was 7.3%, ranking thirty-two on that list andRead MoreThe Death Penalty For Juveniles946 Words   |  4 Pagesof seventy-two juvenile offenders. it helped twenty-nine in Texas, fourteen in Alabama, five in Mississippi, four in Arizona, four in Louisiana, four in North Carolina, three in Florida, three in South Carolin a, one in Nevada, and One in Virginia. They were all taken off death row and sentenced to life without parole. There is also a science behind why minors, anyone below the age of eighteen, cannot be put on death row. The National institute of Mental Health, the UCLA’s Department of AlexanderRead More Boot Camps and Juvenile Crime Essay1148 Words   |  5 PagesBoot Camps and Juvenile Crime Five years ago, responding to an increase in serious juvenile crime, the state of Maryland initiated one of the nations largest boot camp programs for teenage criminals. The program, called the Leadership Challenge, quickly became the model for other states. But last week, after reviewing a task force report that documented instances of physical abuse at their camps, Maryland officials appeared on the verge of conceding that the current initiative was a failure.Read MoreZero Tolerance Policies And School Discipline10009 Words   |  41 Pagesstudents from school into the juvenile justice system (Robinson, 2013). This dilemma, known as the school-to-prison pipeline is garnering much attention in Virginia due to the states continued issues in overcoming the phenomenon. This study explores zero tolerance policies and school discipline to better understand its effect in to bring awareness to an issue that may help in dismantling this pipeline. Particularly looking at those school divisions within Virginia that have disciplined studentsRead MoreCriminal Justice As An Adjunct Professor At The Nevada Air National Guard Essay1196 Words   |  5 PagesSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: Thirty-five years of policing experience in a large metropolitan police department with a tourist based economy. Retired in 2009 as the Assistant Chief of Police. Operational and Senior command experience in Administration, Patrol and Detective Divisions. Recognized internationally for training, presentations and publications in Community and Problem Oriented Policing and a wide-range of other policing topics. Retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Nevada Air NationalRead MoreZero Tolerance Policies Are Ineffective And Creates More Harm Than Good For High School Education Essay1314 Words   |  6 Pagesrecords undesirably. More than three decades have passed and zero-tolerance approaches in schools have failed. Whereas cases should be judged on an individual basis, zero-tolerance policy negatively affects the relationship of education with juvenile justice given that zero-tolerance policies do not accommodate adolescent development. Zero-tolerance policies are school or district mandates that predetermine â€Å"consequences or punishments for specific offenses that are intended to be applied regardlessRead MoreThe Reentry Policy Brief Provides3089 Words   |  13 Pagesof incarcerated juveniles and avoid increasing the already wide racial disparities of the incarcerated population of juveniles. Most reentry facilities in Florida are run by reentry programs that were expanded from Transition from Prison to Community (TPC) and Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) models. Yet these programs appear to not have fully addressed recidivism among juveniles and are also not tailored to lower the widening racial disparities among the incarcerated juvenile population. BetterRead MoreEssay on Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice1997 Words   |  8 PagesOffice of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention found that high numbers of detention orders were being issued for status youth statewide. The main issue of c oncern was the valid court order exception to the DSO core requirement was used 2,000 times. This allowed judges to order non-delinquent youth in locked detention facility whose most serious violations involved repeat offenses of running away, skipping school or being rebelling against authority figures. The disturbing thing about thisRead MoreJuvenile Services Department ( Jsd ) Essay1946 Words   |  8 Pagesagency; purpose/mission: Juvenile Services Department (JSD) provides a continuum of comprehensive service to arrested and at-risk juveniles and their families. JSD is designed to address the root causes of juvenile crime and prevent further delinquent behavior. Law enforcement and social services to work together to provide a complete range of services for both at-risk youth and youth involved with the Juvenile Justice System. JSDS increase public safety by reducing juvenile delinquency through effective

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Rudis The Symbol of a Roman Gladiators Freedom

A rudis (plural rudes) was a wooden sword or rod, which was used in Roman gladiator training both against the palus (a post) and for mock combats between sparring partners. It was also given, along with palm branches, to the winner of a gladiatorial battle. Gladiators as Slaves Gladiators were slaves who performed a ritual battle between life and death for the attending Romans. The code of the gladiator was to defeat ones opponent without inflicting serious injury. The owner/judge of the games, called the munerarius or editor, expected gladiators to fight properly and according to established rules. There was a risk of death in combat to be sure, from a fatal cut or stab-wound, by loss of blood, or resulting infection. Animals were hunted and killed and some people were executed in the arena. But most of the time, the gladiators were men confronting and overcoming the threat of death through bravery, skill, and martial excellence. Freedom for the Gladiator When a Roman gladiator won a battle, he received palm branches for the victory and the rudis as a gesture symbolic of his freedom from slavery. The Roman poet Martial wrote of a circumstance in which two gladiators named Verus and Priscus fought to a stalemate, and both received rudes  and palms as a reward for their bravery and skill. With his token rudis, the newly liberated gladiator could begin a new career, perhaps as a trainer of future fighters at a gladiatorial school called a ludus, or perhaps serving as referees during gladiatorial combats. Sometimes retired gladiators, called rudiarii, would return for a final fight. For example, the Roman emperor Tiberius put on celebratory games in honor of his grandfather, Drusus, at which he induced some retired gladiators to appear by paying each of them a hundred thousand sesterces. Summa Rudis The most elite of the retired gladiators were dubbed  summa rudis. The summa rudis officials wore white tunics with purple borders (clavi),and served as technical experts to ensure that the gladiators fought bravely, skillfully, and according to the rules. They carried batons and whips with which they pointed out illegal movements. Ultimately the summa rudis officials could stop a game if a gladiator was going to be too seriously wounded, compel gladiators to fight on, or defer the decision to the editor. Retired gladiators who became summa rudis evidently achieved fame and wealth in their second careers as officials of the combats. According to an inscription in Ankara, Turkey, a summa rudis named Aelius was one of a group of famous ex-gladiators awarded citizenship from several Greek towns. Another inscription from Dalmatia praises Thelonicus, who while a  retiarius  was freed with the rudis by the generosity of the people. The Roman writers Cicero and Tacitus both used the wooden sword rudis as a metaphor when comparing oratory in the Senate versus what they considered lesser or practice oratory as a speaker using rudes rather than iron swords. Sources Carter M. 2009. Accepi ramum: Gladiatorial Palms and the Chavagnes Gladiator Cup. Latomus 68(2):438-441. Carter MJ. 2006. Buttons and Wooden Swords: Polybius 10.20.3, Livy 26.51, and the Rudis. Classical Philology 101(2):153-160.Carter MJ. 2006. Gladiatorial Combat: The Rules of Engagement. The Classical Journal 102(2):97-114.Carter MJ. 2011. Blown Call? Diodorus and the Treacherous Summa Rudis. Zeitschrift fà ¼r Papyrologie und Epigraphik 177:63-69.Reid HL. 2006. Was the Roman Gladiator an Athlete? Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 33(1):37-49.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Literary Usage in Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman...

Throughout Haroun and the Sea of Stories, Salman Rushdie provides a fundamental, yet intricate variety of literary usage. These instances of literary usage provide and framework of support for the text which is to follow and to further accentuate the smaller and unnoticeable details of the story in to vital parts which are necessary for better comprehension and understanding of the meaning of the upcoming events. Symbolism is the most commonly used and most imperative literary device used by Rushdie. With the land of Chup, on the dark side of Kahani?This looks like the doing of the leader of the Chupwalas, the Cult master of Bezaban.(H.S.S. Pg 75) This statement from the text has a very symbolic meaning behind it, both in terms of the†¦show more content†¦or ?good?. The existence of the Chup or the quiet ones is symbolic in the way that it symbolizes the struggle between good and evil. It is the one thing in the world that prevents it from being in sunshine. It is the side o f society that would be marked as flawed or outcasted. It symbolizes the world, as in Earth, itself as a place of opposing forces at work. Without opposition, the world would be in harmony, which is what is being suggested by this statement. However, the other meaning behind this is that even though without the presence of the Chup in the world and the cult master, fundamentally an opposition, the world would not be in perfect harmony, because the Chup symbolize the one and only difference in the world, they are what keeps the balance in the world. Without the presence of the Chup, the world would not have anything to which it could base an opposite way of life. The Chup are looked upon by the Guppees as what ?good? should not be. It is what the basis for what is good and evil is created. The existence of the cult master is the representation of opposing forces, such as yin and yang, from which all of society on Kahani is based and balanced on. The role of this statement is the pas sage which it is contained is to create a driving force for Haroun for what he is to stop. The Chup and the cult master is what Haroun has symbolically created as a future or upcoming force which he is to come in contact with. The statement in theShow MoreRelatedThings Fall Apart And Haroun And The Sea Of Stories1334 Words   |  6 Pagescode-switching which is the native language and English. The use of native words is due to African authors and their inability to fully convey their culture in English. In the book, Things Fall Apart and Haroun and The Sea of Stories the authors use code-switching and a variety of literary usage to describe certain events. In-text translation is an attempt to clarify the meaning of a foreign language word or expression which is otherwise entirely in the main language of writing or expression. This

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Contract Law Sydney City Council V West

Question: Discuss about theContract Lawfor Sydney City Council V West. Answer: Introduction The report provides the over view and the critical analysis of the two different cases that are the SYDNEY CITY COUNCIL V WEST (1965) and the THORNTON V SHOE LANE PARKING LTD (1971). The contract law of an exclusion cause with determining the invalid reasons that avoids the liability of the conduct. It thereby helps in determining the conduct of the contract that lies beyond the scope of the contract that seems to be determined between the above mentioned two case studies undertaken. The comparison and the contrast of the case studies are depicted in this report with provide the current findings and the rulings regarding the report. The findings are depicted on the basis of the Australian Legal Position that is depicted in this case and thereby the guarantees are implied on the sellers by the consumers to ensure the protection of the Australian Consumer Law[1]. In this both the cases undertaken, depicts the implementation of Competition and the Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) is also focused for the appropriate explanation of the contrast and the comparison of the case studies undertaken. References Corones, S. G,The Australian Consumer Law(Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia, 2011)